Cyberchase Wiki
For the episode, see The Bluebird of Zappiness.

The Bluebird of Zappiness is a device invented by Hacker that is used to help restore Motherboard's memory when he infected her with the virus. It first appears in the episode "The Bluebird of Zappiness".


Motherboard hid the Bluebird of Zappiness in a location that she did not even know herself. Until the titular episode, only Hacker and two of Motherboard's friends each had one clue to where the Bluebird was.

In "The Bluebird of Zappiness", the CyberSquad, Hacker, and Ledge used the clues to find the Bluebird atop a hoodoo in Hoodoo Mesa, on Sensible Flats. However, they fought over it and caused it to be lost.

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